100 Best Typefaces Ever: The Ultimate Guide to the World’s Best Fonts
by FontShop

Absolute Stationery Design: Identity & Promotion
by Sandu Cultural Media

Adobe Type Library Reference Book
by Adobe Systems Inc.

L’affiche au Québec: Des origines à nos jours
by Marc H. Choko

A Guide to Graphic Print Production
by Kaj Johansson, Peter Lundberg, Robert Ryberg

Basics Design 06: Print and Finish
by Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris

Behind the Zines: Self-Publishing Culture
by Robert Klanten, Adeline Mollard, Matthias Hubner

Book Design : A Comprehensive Guide
by Andrew Haslam

Book Typography: A Designer’s Manual
by Michael Mitchell, Susan Wightman

Bookbinding: A Step-by-Step Guide
by Kathy Abbott

Design School Confidential: Extraordinary Class Projects From International Design Schools
by Steven Heller, Lita Talarico

Designer’s Color Manual: The Complete Guide to Color Theory and Application
by Tom Fraser

Designer’s Guide to Color 1: Innovative Color Combinations
by Ikuyoshi Shibukawa, Yumi Takahashi

Designer’s Guide to Color 2: Brightness
by Ikuyoshi Shibukawa, Yumi Takahashi

Designer’s Guide to Color 3: Pattern
by Ikuyoshi Shibukawa, Yumi Takahashi

Designer’s Guide to Color 4: Tone
by Ikuyoshi Shibukawa, Yumi Takahashi

Designer’s Guide to Color 5: Color and Emotion
by Ikuyoshi Shibukawa, Yumi Takahashi

Detail In Typography: A Concise Yet Rich Discussion of All the Small Things That Enhance Legibility of Texts
by Jost Hochuli

The Elements of Typographic Style
by Robert Bringhurst

extra: Encyclopaedia of Experimental Print Finishing
by Franziska Morlok, Till Beckmann

Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form
by Paul Jackson

From Design Into Print: Preparing Graphics and Text for Professional Printing
by Sandee Cohen

Fully Booked: Ink on Paper – Design and Concepts for New Publications
by Andrew Losowsky, R. Klanten, M. Hübner, S. Ehmann

Green Graphic Design
by Celery Design Collaborative, Brian Dougherty

Guide du typographe romand
by Roger Chatelain

High Touch: Tactile Design and Visual Explorations
by R. Klanten, M. Hubner

IdN v21n1: Printed Effects Special
by IdN International designers Network

Interaction of Color: 50th Anniversary Edition
by Josef Albers

Interaction of Color: Revised and Expanded Edition
by Josef Albers

Introducing: Designs for Making a First Impression
by Robert Klanten, Mika Mischler, Boris Brumnjak

Introducing Culture Identities: Design for Museums, Theaters and Cultural Institutions
by R. Klanten, A. Sinofzik, F. Schulze

Knife and Fork: Visual Identities for Restaurants, Food and Beverage
by Robert Klanten, Anna Sinofzik

The Little Know-It-All: Common Sense for Designers
by Silja Bilz

Making Handmade Books: 100+ Bindings, Structures & Forms
by Alisa Golden

Monotype: One Of A Kind
by Monotype

Non-Adhesive Binding Volume 1: Books without Paste or Glue
by Keith A. Smith

Paper Art: The Complete Guide to Papercraft Techniques
by Diane Maurer-Mathison, Jennifer Philippoff

Papercraft: Design and Art with Paper
by Robert Klanten, Sven Ehmann

by Drusilla Cole

Print and Production Finishes for Brochures and Catalogs
by Roger Fawcett-Tang

Ready to Print: Handbook for Media Designers
by Kristina Nickel

Shaping Text: Type, Typography and the Reader
by Jan Middendorp

Space Graphysm
by Hiromura Masaaki

Structural Package Designs (with CD-ROM)
by Pepin Van Roojen

Sustainable Graphic Design: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Print Design
by Wendy Jedlicka

Type Navigator: The Independent Foundries Handbook
by TwoPoints.net, Jan Middendorp

Typeface Catalog A–Z OpenType
by Monotype

The Typographic Grid
by Hans Rudolf Bosshard

Turning Pages: Editorial Design for Print Media
by Robert Klanten, Sven Ehmann, Kitty Bolhofer

Visual Families: Graphic Storytelling in Design and Illustration
by Antonis Antoniou, Robert Klanten, Hendrik Hellige, Sven Ehmann

Visual Storytelling: Inspiring a New Visual Language
by R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, F. Schulze

Yearbook of Type I
by Slanted c/o Magma Brand Design